New Opportunities and Persistent Challenges
UC Riverside/Palm Desert Campus - April 6-7, 2022
Download the program agenda here.
Click on presentation titles to view each panelist presentation (if available).
Click on panel titles to view each session video.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Community and Salton Sea tours
5 pm Reception at the Salton Sea State Recreation Area
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 at UC Riverside/Palm Desert Campus
8:00 Registration
8:30 Opening Remarks – Tamara Hedges, Karina Quintanilla, Kurt Schwabe
Congressman Ruiz​ and Senator Boxer
8:45 Hydrology --- Timothy Lyons, UC Riverside – moderator
Alan Butler, Reclamation - Colorado River System Projections
Hoori Ajami, UC Riverside- Improving Water Resource Management
Sujoy Roy, Tetra Tech- Considerations in Projecting Future Scenarios
10:15 break
10:40 Ecology – Tim Bradley, UC Irvine – moderator
Tonya Marshall, California Department of Fish & Wildlife- Salton Sea Ecology
Andrea Jones, Audubon- Audubon Salton Sea Bird Surveys
Mia Maltz, UC Riverside- From the play to the air: Toxic dust and our lungs
Jonathan Nye, UC Riverside- Chemistry & Ecology at the Salton Sea​​
12:00 lunch
1:30 Air Quality – Kevin Durkee, SCAQMD, moderator
Will Porter, UC Riverside- Outside In: Impacts of ambient dust
Brian Schmid, Formation- Salton Sea Air Quality Mitigation Program
Ann Cheney, UC Riverside- Outside In: Impacts of ambient dust
Amato Evan, UCSD- How Dusty a Future?
2:45 break
3:15 Public Health – Eric Reyes​
David Lo, UC Riverside- The Salton Sea: Dust Emissions, Lung Inflammation, and Asthma
Ryan Sinclair, Loma Linda Univ.- Balloon Mapping
Karla Lopez, Imperial County Public Health Department- Salton Sea 2022
5:00 Reception, celebrating Bruce Wilcox
6:00 Community Forum
Thursday, April 7th 2022 at UC Riverside/Palm Desert Campus
8:00 Registration
8:20 Welcoming Remarks – Thomas Tortez, Torres-Martinez Tribe
8:30 Lithium and Energy – Arun Raju, UC Riverside – moderator
Mike McKibben, UC Riverside- Lithium Resources Beneath the Salton Sea
Jonathan Weisgall, Berkshire Hathaway Energy- Lithium and Energy
Mariela Loera, Leadership Counsel- Community Engagement in Lithium Valley
9:40 break
10:00 Community and Economic Development – Silvia Paz, Alianza – moderator
Rebecca Zaragoza, Leadership Counsel- Why Inclusivity and Environmental Justice Matter
Ryan Kelley, Imperial County Supervisor- Imperial County and Lithium Valley
Juan Perez, COO, Riverside County- Community and Economic Development
Chris Benner, UC Santa Cruz- Solidarity Economics and the Salton Sea
11:15 Keynote Address - Moisés Moreno-Rivera, Assistant Secretary for Equity and Environmental Justice, California Natural Resources Agency
11:45 lunch
12:45 Imports and Long-Range Planning – Peter Silva, Silva-Silva International
Tom Sephton, Eco-Media Compass- Salton Sea Restoration
James Newcomb, Department of Water Resources
Maria-Elena Giner, IBWC
2:00 Local Projects – Mario Llanos, CNRA – moderator
Vivien Maisonneuve, DWR
Frank Ruiz, Audubon- Bombay Beach Wetland Project
3:15 break
3:35 Policy – Kurt Schwabe, UC Riverside – moderator
Patrick O’Dowd, Salton Sea Authority
Keith Cialino, Assembly
Genevieve Johnson, Reclamation
Michael Cohen, Pacific Institute
4:55 Concluding Remarks – Assemblymember Garcia